Like most other parents, Bryan and I fully believe Macy Jane is the most amazing kid ever (in spite behavior mentioned in previous postings). She also made a pretty cute cowgirl for Wild West week at her preschool.
Oscar Review: Jon Stewart was great. Only saw one of the movies up for best picture, Juno, and loved it. Looking forward to seeing all of the others. Javier Bardem (aka Denny from Grey’s) freaked my freak with his real dialect. After watching Grey’s, who knew? He is amazing.
Word Currently Stuck in My Head: Schlumpadinka (thanks Oprah!)
Latest Road Rage/Driving Pet Peeve: Come on, people. Just because you are at a 4-way stop doesn’t mean you have to wait for the car a half a mile away to get to the intersection and stop for you to go. I’m talking to you seniors!
I’m just sayin’.
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