Here's what h
We were enjoying having Small Group at Heidi and Brandon's. The weather was nice, so the kids were playing outside for a few minutes. On their way back to the play room, Macy's mouth got up close and personal with the corner of their coffee table-at high speed. She bounced off of it right into Bryan's arms. I was in the restroom at the time but once I heard the thud and screaming, I knew it was Mace.
By the time I got to her, Bryan had her in the kitchen. Blood was all over her mouth and hands, and Bryan. As we looked closer once the crying slowed down, we saw the cut on her face just below her bottom lip. Then I saw that 3 of her top/front teeth were bent back in her gum at a 45 degree angle. We got in the car and got to the E.R. rather swiftly (if you know Bryan, you know that it was a little quicker than "swiftly").
Everyone there was great, better than we expected. The doctor moved her teeth back into place. She did not like that very much. She was so br
The dentist that we visited this morning said we have to come back Thursday to get one of the teeth pulled. She will have a cute little smile until her permanent teeth come in, in only 3 years or so. Her permanent teeth are fine according to the Xray. I asked if they could put a little false tooth there, you know, Flava Flav style, but she said no dice. The fake baby teeth usually look bad and cause a lot of plaque build up on the other teeth they are anchored to.
So now, her lips are swollen and hamburgered and her mouth hurts a little. We are keeping Motrin in her to reduce the swelling. I think the number of jello and pudding cups in our kitchen is at an all-time high.
These pictures are of days one (right after we got home from the E.R.) and two (silly bath time). She is a trooper and sweetie. Her smile will be a little different for a while, at least for a 4-year-old. I do have to say her little lisp is cute. I feel so bad for her. She said she was scared that her school friends would think her smile wasn't pretty.... at 4... how can all that start so soon? All I know is that if I hear on ONE kid giving her a hard time, Bryan will have to hold me back from kicking a little preschool bootie. I'm justht thayin'
Poor, poor Macy and poor, poor mommy who will have to take care of her.
I'm sorry you had to go to the ER. I am not looking forward to that day with Brenna. Tell Macy I'm sure her smile will be the cutest one in preschool.
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